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Friday 17 December 2010

everybody is human

thought of tis when i read ur blog.

even if u're scary,emo,cold or just normal you have a heart you are human and should be treated as one

from history lessons,the indians in their caste system,they hav a group called the untouchables who are of even lower status than the field labourers and craftsman. they just hav jobs that nobody wants to do,but yet without them doing those jobs,our lives wont be what it is.

yeah i know its weird that i who can sleep,play handphone,itouch and lots of other things can even rmb what is taught during lesson :P

so i hope tat everybody will treat everybody else as a friend,a person. i will try to do this too :D

I killed a Hollow at 23:47:00

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[AH MAH RuYing]
[Little chibi]

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